Input heat shows that the interval heat for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain is 1521.95 to 2300.25 kcal/day. Therefore, we need to allocate the diet to meet this interval.

Weight Loss

For weight loss, the target heat input is 1600 kcal/day for a 66 kg individual. Based on this target, the macronutrient requirements are as follows:

  • Carbohydrates: 173.33 g/day
  • Protein: 104.07 g/day
  • Fat: 55.51 g/day

These values are calculated using the equation provided in the previous post. Start to allocation the diet, we need have a database for the normal food compose by the CPF. One way to use the online tool, other way is to create a database. Here we find one interesting project do the job, so we use the data form the project, which have 1800+ food data, we only focus the food in China on the CPF metric. Before we start, we first to record day food intake, and then we can calculate the total intake of the day.